20 Problems Only People Who Work In A Department Store Will Understand

'Can I help yo... Yes, I'll check the stockroom.'

By Jack G King /

Many of us will have been employed by a department store in some capacity, whether behind a till, prowling the shop floor, or working in the stockroom. Those fortunate enough to have landed such positions will know the daily little struggles that one has to overcome en route to payday. The unintentional comedy these problems provide makes it all worthwhile eventually, but it can be hard to look at them in a light-hearted way at the end of a particularly hectic shift. The world of retail is fully of hidden problems known only to those who work there. A till isn't some sort of magical money machine - you actually have to learn which buttons to press at the right time. The shop floor might be clearly signposted and have optimal lighting, but the rabbit warren of internal, behind-the-scenes corridors is more of a labyrinth than a workspace. Here's a list of twenty problems you'll have definitely encountered if you've worked at a department store. They're sure to have you clenching your fists in fury but don't worry - you're not suffering alone.

20. Using The Staff Entrance

Talk about a nervy start to the day. You can't just stride into the shop like a NORMAL person - you have to go through that suspicious door painted a similar colour to the wall around it. Each time you can't help but feel as though a member of the public is going to take their chances and slip in behind you. Remember to shield that code as you type it in.

19. Empty Shop Floors Are Creepy

If you're working a particularly early or late shift, this is easily the most unnerving part of the day. An empty shop floor is only a stage or two below deserted hospital or a spooky scale. It's also quite a similar experience to if you ever had to go to school on a weekend. Try not to listen to your footsteps; they'll echo for miles.