20 Problems You Only Know If You Work With Much Younger People

What the hell does "swag" even mean?

By Jessica McWilliams /

Chances are, you probably fondly remember being the young, newbie at work, full of ideals and enthusiasm to impress. But there's no way how you remember it correlates with the oiks who swam into work these days with their vitality and their full heads of hair and lack of wrinkles. You were polite, shy and eager to work hard and do the best you can, but nowadays, young people lack that same sense of respect for their elders. They're loud, cocky and have endless amounts of energy, which is hard for you to get your head around. Things have changed so much since you were their age that they make you feel centuries older, rather than just a few years. Whatever it is that grinds your gears about working with much younger people, know that you're not alone. Is it their poor punctuality that gets to you? Or perhaps the way they talk about sex so casually and constantly? Whatever the reason, you're probably sick of thinking you're just getting bitter with age. The good news is that you're not; things have changed so much and so quickly since you began your working life that it's no surprise that it winds you up. You don't deserve to feel bad about yourself just because get annoyed by the way young people behave in the work place. Just remember that it's not just you that feels this way...