20 Problems You'll Only Encounter On The Tyne & Wear Metro

Can't live with it, can't live without it.

By Jack G King /

For those of us in the North East, the Metro system is something of a godsend. It makes our journeys to work and school infinitely easier; it takes us to football matches, shopping trips and nights out. Need to get to the airport? Hop on a metro. Meeting some friends for a quick lunch? Metro it. Going to North Shields? Are you sure about that? If you really must, the metro can take you there. We're probably all agreed that the metro is an essential part of the region. Despite this, it's also easily one of the most frustrating things in day-to-day life. We've pinpointed twenty issues that are guaranteed to have inconvenienced your journey at one point or another, but we're sure you can think of a great deal more.

20. Ticket Machine Turmoil

They never take all your change at the first time of asking - there's always one last 20p your machine will find particularly distasteful and spit back out. Of course everybody knows the only solution: rub your coin furiously on the surface. In fairness, this problem has got a lot better since they brought in the new touch-screen machines. Collecting your ticket still takes as long though, now because of all the confused pensioners.

19. Inspectors

Dark Souls Run Away Gif If you didn't dodge the fare at least once as a child you should probably report yourself to the authorities - there's a good chance you're the Oracle, come at last to usher the North East into a new era of glory. If you're normal like the rest of us, you'll know the fresh horror that comes with seeing a fleet of "checkies" pile onto your carriage. Their routine never changes - eye contact, nod at one another, and then the immortal phrase. "Tickets and PASSES please."