Ah, school days. Skipping math classes to smoke in the toilets, feigning illness to duck out of sports and running riot when confronted with a supply teacher. For some of us, school days truly were the best days of our lives. But then, most people attend state comprehensives that any half-competent education service would close down in a heartbeat - the kind of places that prepare you for life by teaching you exactly what not to do in order to become responsible adults. Pity us poor private school children, who not only have their right to adolescent disobedience taken away from the age of four, but suffer a decade of tradition-based education that fails on all fronts. Misbehaviour? No chance. Fun? Not in a million years. Instead, a combination of outdated values, strange customs and humiliating rituals turn private schools into the kind of nightmare that even a lifetime of psychiatry will struggle to shift. So, let's go on a journey through the world of fee-paying education, fearlessly acquainting ourselves with the horror of life trapped inside a school that looks like Hogwarts and feels like a juvenile detention centre. By the end, you'll even wish your parents had sent you to that perilously low-performing state school.
20. Wearing A Horribly Embarrassing Uniform
A normal school uniform is bad enough, but private school kids are subjected to uniforms so ghastly they should be illegal.
Whether its chequered skirts that even your granny would reject, high socks in nasty colour shades or, in extreme cases, a quasi-religious combo that makes the wearer look like theyve just walked off the set of a Harry Potter movie, private schools go to any lengths to ensure that their students either bury or burn every single picture ever taken of them during their school years.