20 Things Only HMV Employees Will Understand

You'd think working with music, video games and films would be the dream job...

By Michael Park /

Being a staff member at HMV takes commitment. Commitment to watching a lot of films, playing a lot of video games and listening to a lot of music. In short, it's the perfect kind of commitment and makes it seem like a dream job to most retail workers.


While you love every second of it though, it's not without its pitfalls and problems. Some days the fine line between being a super-professional retail employee and the laid back Empire Records layabout that most of your customers expect is a very difficult one to walk, but you power through because you're a juggernaut of dedication to the cause.

Without you, who would give the public the recommendations they need to ensure that they can make the most of water cooler time at work? You're a bastion of consumer culture in everything from movies to t-shirts and your word is law. 

From days with customers who will happily regale you with tales of how they danced to Dave Clark Five with their significant other, and warm your cold heart to its core, to those days where you'd prefer to hide in a pile of old Tomb Raider Strategy Guides that nobody's sure what to do with, this list has you covered.

Even if you've long since left the loving embrace of HMV or you used to work in a rival, you'll get a kick out of it.

20. Hiding Among The CDs

Restocking CDs is among the most pleasurable tasks in HMV because, on your rare bad day, it's much easier to hide from customers when you're crouched on the floor going through boxes of stock. Make sure you've got the alphabetising right.


Not absolutely sure? Better do it another few times just to be safe.
