20 WTF Shower Thoughts That Will Blow Your Mind

If you brush your teeth, are you cleaning bits of your skeleton?

By Sara Weir /

The shower is a powerful place. In the time it takes you to clean your body, you've already figured out who you're going to thank for when you finally win that Oscar, you've nailed the argument you should have had with that rude cashier who made you cry two years ago, and you've decided what face you're going to pull when you bump into your ex on the subway. You know, the one you broke up with six years ago. But the shower is also a place of self discovery and worship. It is here that you will find out which questions need answered in your life and which angle your body looks best in selfies. But have you ever had a thought so mind blowing that you had to run out of the shower to quickly tell your room mate about your genius? Here are some of the most WTF, mind boggling thoughts you've probably had in the shower...

20. Underpants Are Just Socks For Your Butt