21 Adorably Happy Animals That Will Instantly Make Your Day Better

We could learn a lot from our animal friends so, to stop the daily anger of phone chargers, trains and wine selection.

By Hugh Firth /

Happiness. It€™s a funny old thing. It can be judged by laughing because your mate is trapped in a tea-pot. It can be judged by a great big smile. It can also be judged by simply being content with your lot in life. It€™s an odd thing this €˜happiness€™. We bumble through our daily lives angry because a train has been cancelled (€˜Now I€™ll have to wait five minutes for the next one and still not be late for work!). Angry because the local supermarket doesn€™t stock our favourite wine (€˜But it simply has to be the Cote de Provence recommended by Olly on Saturday Kitchen or else my dinner party will be ruined!€™). Angry because our IPhone has run out of power (€˜But I€™ve only used it solidly for seventeen hours! I€™m going to complain to Apple!€™). Then we look at our animal friends. Some live in our homes. Some live in the jungle. Some live in the mountains. Either way, they just get on with their lives. Go from day-break to night-fall and they also do it all with a smile on their faces. Let€™s be honest here, we could learn a lot from our animal friends so, to stop the daily anger of phone chargers, trains and wine selection. Here are 21 Adorably Happy Animals That Will Instantly Make Your Day Better (and things we could learn from them).

21. Being Best Mates

You know how it is. Due to the hurly-burly of life, you haven€™t seen your best mate for months. Finally, you agree to meet up. How€™s it going to go? Will it be awkward? Will you have nothing to talk about? Perhaps you€™ve both changed too much? The minutes tick by as you wait and then you see them and, hell, it was like it always was as a big smile grows across your face and you start laughing and howling as if you were both kids again.


A dog might be €˜a man€™s best friend€™ but, truth be told, a €˜dog€™ is a dog€™s best friend. For life.
