21 Awesome Primary School Memories All 90s Kids Share

The last generation who truly knew how to be kids!

By K.J. Stewart /

Growing up in the 1980s and 1990s was an absolute pleasure. We were the last generation of kids who truly knew how to be kids. These days, playing outside has been replaced by sitting inside texting, playing video games and surfing the internet. Dressing like a kid (you know - jumpers with wrestlers, Thundercats, My Little Pony and Barbie on them) has been replaced by adolescents being ludicrously image conscious and the rise of political correctness and "health and safety gone mad" has meant that some of the harsh realities of growing up - things that turned us in to responsible and respecting adults - have simply disappeared. Consequently, reminiscing about our youth is something that we do with a lot of fondness, as those days are not only gone for us, they're also never going to be experienced by the current generation of youngsters that we're bringing up - and in that sense the reminiscing is essential to keep those days "alive". In this article, we're going to take a light-hearted look back at some of the things that those of us who were of primary school age in the 1990s remember fondly. Here are twenty-one awesome primary school memories that will make 90s kids nostalgic (of course, the article will also inadvertently contain some things that people of alternative generations will remember, so don't be put off reading, regardless of how old you are)...

21. Anticipating The Dreaded BCG

tumblrIn the final years of primary school, as secondary school loomed, there were always terrible rumours about the dreaded BCG - a then compulsory vaccination against tuberculosis that all the older kids had already had. Those swines really made us hate the idea of getting it as well. Rumours of a MASSIVE needle administered by a devil doctor/nurse were rife and it made us dread the step up to secondary school even more than we already were - a fact made all the more ridiculous when we got to secondary school and realised that the BCG was a completely painless experience (until the older kids punched your arm, of course).

20. "Toy Day" On The Last Day Of Term

Tesco.comAh toy day, how we loved you. Every final day of term before the summer holidays began, not only were we allowed to wear non-uniform (if indeed uniforms were usually compulsory in our respective primary schools), we were also allowed to bring in toys to play with. Action figures, dolls and board games (and everything else you can think of that wasn't the kind of expensive, state-of-the-art electronic gadget that the kids of today demand) were all played with to death until the bell rang and you could run home for the summer. These days, if you were still playing with toys in the final years of primary school, you'd probably be ridiculed and labelled as "immature" and "sad" - an upsetting reflection of a society in which kids are growing up far too quickly.

19. Arranging To Meet Friends After School

Amblin EntertainmentRemember when arranging to meet your friends had to be done WHILE YOU WERE WITH YOUR FRIENDS? These days, after kids have probably spent all day texting each other from one side of the classroom to the other, no plans need to be made for that evening because they can be made with a simple text conversation when you get home. Back in our day, we had to tell our friends to be at certain places at a specific time and trust that they actually would be. "See you at the park, 6pm, after I've finished my tea..."