21 Awkward Problems You Must Face Everyday

Probably best to just walk away now then is it? Yeah...

By Thomas Andrews /

There are certain situations in life that make people feel uncomfortable and circumstances ensure that they cannot be avoided. While some are just small mistakes that lead to people looking particularly stupid or awkward, others are things out of their control that just can't be helped. Either way, these things can ruin social interactions or even ruin the chances of a second social interaction ever occurring between the people involved. The sad fact of life is that if you want to be a contributor to any conversation in the future, you have to be aware that these situations will arise and that there is very little you can do to avoid them. You can limit the amount that you make these mistakes but it does not matter who you are, they will happen to you at some point. With certain social slip-ups there are ways out or ways to cover your tracks. With others, the only thing to do is acknowledge defeat and walk away, never to see the person again. This is a list of 21 social situations that cause a great deal of awkwardness and insecurity for all involved but one way or another, they will happen to everyone at some point.

21. Holding The Door Open For Someone Way Too Long

This is awful because now you have made the person who you were trying to help move faster than they wanted to. They have to rush to get through the door that you are holding for them because they are much further behind than you thought. What is worse is that you now have to walk next to them for the foreseeable future now that they have caught up with you. Nice move. A great rule of thumb is 5 yards. If they are further away, they can get the door themselves.

20. Autocorrect €“ It's Ducking Annoying

www.feelguide.comTexting still counts as social interaction in present society and there are just as many ways to embarrass yourself in text as there are in person. Texting the wrong person a message just means you are dumb, but autocorrect is something that gets the better of everyone sooner or later. It€™s ducking annoying at best and can cause some serious explaining to smooth out a situation where you meant to say €œdoubt€ or €œdonut€ and it comes up with €œdildo.€ Your iPhone remembers your frequently typed words whether you like it or not. Everyone knows what you have been buying on the internet.

19. Telling The Person Who Told You A Joke Or Story The Same Joke Or Story Back To Them

mrwgifs.comEverybody wants to be funny or interesting and we all have those stories or jokes that we revert back to when we want to contribute to a conversation. The worst thing is when you try to pass off a story as your own and you forget that you are telling it back to the person who initially told you the story. They will know you are completely full of it and are neither funny nor interesting. Even more common is when you tell a person the same story twice. You will look like you have only one thing to say, ever.