21 Best Things The Internet Has Done With Super Blood Moon

That's no moon...

By Stevie Shephard /

So, when the Super Blood Moon first hit the news, we were pretty excited.


Then the clouds came out and we were disappointed.

Then everyone started posting pictures of s smudgy, cloudy dot with the caption "my pic of the #superbloodmoon! #photography #amazing #hashtag" and we were even more disappointed.

Then the actual professional photographers got their cameras out and snapped some truly breathtaking shots of the phenomenon, and we were excited again - but not half as excited as we were for how the internet, in all it's bizarreness, was going to deal with the whole thing.

So what did the internet do with this rare and breathtaking cosmological phenomenon? We took to Twitter to find out.

21. Some Got Impatient


With all of the build up, people around the world were on tenterhooks waiting for the big event.
