21 Horrifying Face Swaps You Will Never Un-See

That's definitely enough Internet for one day.

By Nina Cresswell /

Welcome to a world where pretty much anything can happen. They call it The Internet. Sometimes it makes us laugh; often it makes us cry; but most of the time it jumps on us when we're least expecting and shows us something truly disturbing, then leaves us rocking in the corner of the room. This is one of those times. The majority of us have quite a job accepting our own DNA-baked faces; forever untagging photos on Facebook which make us look like the lovechild of Mr Bean and David Gest. Come to think of it, what would the lovechild of those two look like? Well, thanks to technology, we can find out ourselves. The following images are a powerful reminder of just how perfect our own faces are; and a definite warning to keep yours to yourself. Get ready - this is not going to be pretty.