21 Problems All Supermarket Employees Can Relate To

The truth is, we just don't care about your day.

By Caitlin Irwin /

Working in a supermarket can have its positives. Some of the staff, the brief moments of quiet, even some of the regular customers which you're ashamed to admit know a lot about your life.


Besides that though, you're spending hours looking for your nearest exit and wondering if you could make a quick escape without anyone noticing.

No job in a supermarket is an enjoyable one. You have a choice of attempting to look happy on the tills, breaking your back working stock, looking at products about to go out of date or cleaning. There's nothing even slightly glamorous about it. And when you think about your minimum wage pay it only makes you more depressed. You couldn't even convince someone on the street to do what you do in an hour for £6.


Nevertheless, it's your job, and as much as you'd rather watch back-to-back come dine with me, you have to go. Heres 21 things all supermarket staff can relate too.

21. Trying To Be Chatty With Customers

The thing is, I care as much about your day as I do about Katie Hopkins' bowel movements. Learning to look interested as someone chatters on about their recipe for Golden Syrup Flapjack is a skill that comes over time and if you're anything close to awkward you just sound sarcastic. You try to make the obligatory interested smiling face and noises of encouragement that you are, in fact, listening. "... and then the vet said it was no good any we'd have to have him put down." "mmm, yeah, sounds lovely." Occasionally customers have an interesting remark or a bit of wit about them, but it's like winning a pound on a scratch card. For a minute you're happy to have won, then you realise it's only a pound.