22 Irrational Everyday Occurrences That Everyone Experiences

Congratulations, your brain is broken.

By Sara Weir /

There are a few known certainties in the universe: the speed of light, the existence of matter and the fact that as soon as you hear the creak a floorboard in an empty house, you know that you're going to die. Your brain is basically your enemy. Being a human comes with a lot of silly emotions to contend with but it really is testament to the spirit of humanity that you can still live your life to the fullest, despite every irrational and ridiculous thing that your brain cooks up. How will you survive the zombie apocalypse? Could you be a have-a-go hero? What if this really is all one big Truman Show? Irrational thought is as much a part of thinking as cognitive, logical behaviour. That's just how the brain works. Or doesn't, more appropriately. Although not all of the examples on this list are scary or major, but it's guaranteed that you have definitely done or thought all of them at some point during your day. They are ridiculous, but they also make a lot of sense when you're in the moment. And what's worse is that you probably know that you're doing them too...

22. Going To The Gym And Expecting To Instantly Turn Buff

For some bizarre reason, you think that you'll notice a change in your body after just one gym session. You get home and stand naked in front of the mirror and if you're feeling very brave, you'll hop on the scales and be absolutely baffled as to why you haven't lost a stone in a day. For lunch you ate nothing but a salad and had an apple as a snack so why don't you have a six pack yet? Your body hurts, so your muscles should be ripped, surely?