24 Things All Book Lovers Will Understand

Books are your friends.

By Sara Weir /

Reading is genuinely one of the greatest pleasures of the world. You'll not only develop an emotional connection with the book and the characters, but with other people who are as equally in love with a series as you are coughHarryPottercough. Books can take the world by storm and many best-selling novels are the inspiration behind films and screenplays as Hollywood looks for an established audience to mine: but they're never up to your standards. It's easy to tell when a writer has put their everything into their writing; it's possible to read their passion, love and even parts of their soul and the fact that they are willing to share that with you is a truly remarkable thing.
"Anyone who says that they only have one life to live must not know how to read a book."
Although the author of this quote is unknown, there have never been truer words spoken about the adventures that you participate in whenever you pick up a good book. You'll feel like you're walking to Mordor with Frodo and Sam where you'll laugh and cry along the way and so does everyone else, so you're not the only one who broke down when Fred died. A tough day for everyone, that. Importantly, you're part of a culture of readers: a community with shared experiences and shared pains, and you deserve to be saluted.

24. Being Sent To Your Room Was Heaven

Whenever you were younger and your parents were stressed out they would normally say, "sweetheart, just go to your room and remove yourself from my sight, okay?" Maybe not all parents were as polite as they were passive aggressive, but you always skipped away to your room with some milk and cookies knowing that your good book was sitting waiting for you on your bedside table. You were always so careful not to spill crumbs in the pages though, because that would just turn you into a complete OCD freak and if anything, crumbs in bed were more acceptable than all over your book.