25 Most Dramatic Deaths In The Harry Potter Books - Ranked

"You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us?"

By Sara Weir /

J.K. Rowling has been breaking your heart since 1997 and in some sadistic way, you absolutely love her for it. She has provided you with people that you love; not only fictional characters but you're probably friends with the majority of the people that you talk to because you share one very important thing in common: Harry Potter. So whether you're returning home to Hogwarts through the films or the books, you'll have to re-live every death of the people you love again and again. It wasn't just Harry who lost everything at Godrick's Hollow and, of course, those of you who are fans of the books will understand that the film makers left out a lot of important deaths from the films. So, with a catalogue of films that never quite did their respective demises justice, we're taking a look at the harrowing and traumatic ways your favourite characters met their end. Spoilers, and probably tears, ahead.

25. Helena Ravenclaw

Book: Before Harry's time at Hogwarts How she died: Killed in a rage by the Bloody Baron. Death: Helena Ravenclaw, the founder of Ravenclaw house died well before her time and even though she wasn't the best daughter in the world, she is spending her afterlife paying for it. After stealing her mother's diadem and running away to Albania, her mother sent the Bloody Baron to go and retrieve Helena and bring her back home. It's no secret that the Baron was deeply in love with Helena and that he was responsible for her death; he killed her when she refused to return home with him. He then killed himself afterwards out of grief.