26 Most London Things That Have Ever Happened

"You sound like you're from London!"

By WhatCulture /

Famous for its red buses, red post boxes and red telephone kiosks (seriously, what's with all the red?), London is arguably the most amazing city in the world (it might also be the most expensive city - aye? Aye?). Factor in some of the most iconic landmarks this side of Tower Bridge (but not the Millennium Dome), an underground system that residents love to praise and bad mouth in equal measure, and a population of human beings who are legitimately content not to talk to strangers at any point, ever, and you're really looking at a place that is so unlike any other. Londoners are famous, of course, for strolling through the streets at the crack of dawn, singing songs like "Maybe It's Because I'm a Londoner" or "Chim Chim Cher-ee," complete with cockney accent. Or, at least, that's what they should be famous for (what gives, London?). To celebrate this beautiful, historical, bewildering, hilarious and frankly terrifying city in all its glory, then, join us as we take a candid look at 26 of the Most London Things That Have Ever Happened. You know, things like... oh, Ian McKellen helping the Queen into the back of a black cab whilst they both sip a pint and talk about EastEnders (all right - we made that up... can you imagine?).


26. This London Bench Being Incredibly Sarcastic

Classic Bucklesby. This plaque also nicely sums up the London mentality: we love to hate stuff (we love to love stuff, too - just as long as it's still okay to pretend we hate it).

25. This Woman Confronts Rioters In Hackney

She says it all.

24. This Image Of Michael Caine & David Cameron Sharing A Moment

"Go on, Michael. Say it." "I don't want to, David." "Go on, just once." "All right. Just once. My name... is Michael Caine." "Brilliant."

23. This Person Snapping An Aerial View Of The Great City

Weather? Always like this. Always. Like. This.

22. This Photo Of Elizabeth Taylor Getting Accosted By Pigeons In Trafalgar Square

The Hampstead-born actress gets down and dirty with our great capitals's population of "flying rats." And still somehow manages to make getting mauled look charming.