27 Astonishing Things You Didn't Know About London

Think you know London? Think again!

By Mike Morgan /

When it comes to describing London, Dr. Samuel Johnson said it best: "When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life." Perhaps that's why London seems to be the Earth city that aliens most like to invade, as seen in countless TV programmes and films. The UK's capital city is stuffed to its Tudor rafters with reminders of its long and convoluted history. Somehow, thousands of historic sites have survived myriad disasters, from the Black Death to the Great Fire. And that's something both residents and visitors can be truly grateful for. Not all the landmarks in London are beyond reproach, however. Richard Rogers, the architect behind the Cheesegrater and the Lloyds building was unforgettably described by Prince Charles as €œThe worst thing to happen to London€™s skyline since the Blitz." London doesn't just offer architecture, of course. There are countless things to do as well as see, and there are endless fascinating stories of Londoners' misadventures and triumphs. Even people who have lived in London all their lives are often surprised by facts about the city and what can be found there today. For example, more than half of the underground train system is, despite its name, actually overground. Here are thirty-three more awesome facts about London, from weird locations to incredible tales from its past, that everyone needs to know.