5 Essentials Purchases To Make Your Perfect Man Cave

By WhatCulture /

In a world where job pressures lead to ulcers, and the general stress of life makes even the most virile of men's hair fall out in clumps, it is becoming increasingly important for men to reclaim their right to relaxation. Everyone who saw Big back in the 80s knows the distinct and exquisite pleasure of a fantasy that involves a man-cave style apartment, decked from floor to ceiling in gadgets, games and toys for the inner child, without the mundane distractions of every day life like ironing boards and pot pouri. And thanks to a thankfully strong trend in interior decorating, there are now infinite opportunities for those aspirational men and their entertainment machines to claim their own little patch of home and transform it into the man-cave of their dreams. With that in mind, we've teamed up with Home Leisure Direct to compile the five must-have items you need to create your perfect games room

5. Vesaro Racing Simulator

An essential for the hardcore race gamer, this high end racing simulator is as close to driving a real F1 car as you're ever likely to experience, unless you have more money than some small European countries. Change the way you race, as well as making a bold aesthetic choice for one of the centre-pieces of your room, and you'll be the envy of every friend who is limited to a controller and their couch. Buy yours here.

4. Blacklight Pool Table

Playing pool needn't all be about dodging tears in beer-soaked, snack-stained baize in a grimly lit pool hall or a stagnating social club with deeply questionable beer on draft. With the sleak and elegant Blacklight, you get all of the pleasure of the game, without the need to take over your man-cave with something that looks like it belongs in the 1980s with Jim Davidson and "comedy" waistcoats. Buy yours here.

3. Synergy Media Cocktail Arcade Machine

No games room would be complete without at least one arcade machine, and the Synergy combines a cool, retro design with a library of 350 games (and the capacity to play even more with a simple reconfiguration). It's the only tabletop set-up to feature both vertical and horizontal 2-player controls, meaning more ways to beat your friends, or to team up to beat some of classic gaming's greatest foes. Buy yours here.

2. Bonzini B90 Football Table

The ultimate must-have for office spaces and man-caves alike, the humble football table does everything your fancy FIFA 14s and PES 2014's do with the added bonus of actually feeling like you're in the game. Win the Premier League, or take your team of warriors to the zenith of world football without leaving the safety of your haven. Like most of Home Leisure's range, the Bonzini comes with a range of finishes, with a focus on more zany designs like zebra print or brand names like McDonalds to add a little more colour to your man-cave. Buy yours here.

1. Sound Leisure 1015 Jukebox

Needless to say, you're going to want some tunes to soundtrack your fun, and the Sound Leisure Jukebox provides a massive range, thanks to 80 CD slots, and a fitted iPod dock. Based on the classic Wurlitzer, designed by Paul Fuller after WW2, this tribute gives fans the opportunity to have a post art-deco beauty in the corner of their room without the logistical nightmare of finding and paying for an original. In short, it is the perfect cherry to top your man-cave. Buy yours here.