5 Ways Modern TVs Have Changed Everything

By Jack Carver /

As we€™re frequently told €“ TV is changing. The internet is changing how everyone consumes content, and technological advances have changed the humble picture box into an all-guns-blazing media centre capable of competing with the world wide web. And with further advances being announced all the time, and new sets hitting the market, it€™s only we the viewers who will win. We can only imagine what the likes of John Logie Baird or Charles Francis Jenkins would think of what has become of the invention they helped bring to the world€ Behold the five biggest innovations that changed the very nature of television.

5. High Definition

It might not have been the greatest innovation for ageing news-readers who suddenly found every blemish scrutinised and a younger, sleeker presenter suddenly handed more responsibilities, but the advent of High Definition has fundamentally changed how we watch TV. Just as colour and sound before it reinvented the audience experience, immersive HD has been the next step in the generation.

4. Cinematic Demands

Closely linked with the technical boost of HD, the quality of broadcasting cast its own ripples in the industry €“ shows could accommodate a grander scale, and more impressive sets, and we€™ve seen incredibly beautiful and hugely stylised shows like Boardwalk Empire, Breaking Bad and Game Of Thrones that have a visual identity that simply couldn€™t be done justice to on small, fuzzy sets.

3. Tailored Recommendations

Just as the internet identifies and recommends content that it knows you€™ll like based on your activity, the TV revolution has seen features added to most high-end TVs that offer the same service. Like The Simpsons? Chances are your TV will know to offer you animated sit-coms and American comedy. The tailored experience is making missing new shows that you could love a thing of the past.

2. The New Entertainment Hub

It was only a matter of time before TVs got smarter €“ we€™re not talking Hal 9000 here, thankfully €“ and new ultra-modern set-ups like the Samsung TV F5300 are more like entertainment hubs than simple TV sets. They have apps, recommendations, social features, and the focus is very much on establishing a home-base, and eliminating the need to swap devices or channel surf endlessly in search of a new pleasure.

1. Watch On Demand

Probably the single biggest innovation since colour, the ability to watch TV around your own schedule is a beautiful invention that simply cannot be under-estimated. Scheduling conflicts are no more, and no families need fall out over their hatred of each other€™s televisual tastes.