6 Things You Learn When Living Solely With Men

A crafty culture of nasty habits... As James Brown declared, 'This Is a Man's World'.

By Ryan Hill /

We know that men come in all shapes and sizes, displaying mannerisms that range from gentlemanly to crass, from Steve Irwin to Steve Austin. But something truly magical happens when we're grouped together, united under one roof. You could be forgiven for assuming €”perhaps as an outsider €” that housing multiple men would create a cosy microcosm of masculine society. Unfortunately, in my experience, this simply isn't the case. When men nest in numbers, the situation is more comparable to Apes flinging dung at each other; albeit well-dressed, highly educated and otherwise respectable Apes. The comfort we take in the fairer sex's absence essentially brings out what would stereotypically be deemed as 'the worst' in us. This includes (but is certainly not limited to) unrefined discussions, total disregard for everything and, of course, jostling for the position of alpha male. Not to mention the incessant release of gas, often reciprocated throughout an entire household in a feral showing of solidarity. Living solely amongst men, however revolting I've managed to make sound in a mere two paragraphs, can actually be something of a pleasure. The home becomes a fun-house where rules cease to exist, the fridge is stocked with beer indefinitely and sport is almost always present on the TV. Good or bad, here are six things that happen when you live solely with men.