7 "Mysteries" That We Can Actually Solve

The world just got a little less mysterious.

By Stevie Shephard /

Everybody loves a good mystery, but sometimes our fascination with the unexplainable gets in the way of actually explaining them. It seems as though most of us would rather believe that we're being visited by aliens every five minutes in order for them to meddle in everything from our tomb building to our indoor plumbing. Sure, science doesn't know everything, and some of the stuff that it doesn't know is bizarre and perplexing, so why not focus on those? Granted, a lot of this comes from our prejudice that people in the Dark Ages were thick as two short planks and couldn't possibly get it together long enough to build a pyramid, and a lot of it comes from our willingness to see the fantastical in the mundane. More often than not, many of the "mysteries" that appear in blogs and articles across the internet have either been solved since their discovery, or were never actually mysteries in the first place. This, however, doesn't seem to matter to most and you can sort of see why. Aliens and sea monsters are much more "Hollywood", after all. Why let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh?
