7 Pop Culture Novelty Christmas Gifts You'd Love (And 7 You Really Wouldn't)

Is there awkwardness waiting under your tree?

By Ginny Alexander /

It was a pretty great year for pop culture, so chances are there is going to be some awesome merchandise under the tree this year. The complete box set of Breaking Bad? Star Wars collectibles in preparation for the new films? They shouldn€™t have! But there€™s always a risk that someone who doesn€™t watch the show, or hasn€™t read the book is about to buy you something horribly wrong. Innocence and lack of interest when buying gifts can result in a very awkward Christmas. At the moment, you can find toy shops, supermarkets, TV adverts and just about every other kind of business slapping the faces of Anna, Elsa and Olaf onto everything they can. But there's more to a Pop Culture Christmas than just Disney's Frozen. Christmas for most people (especially kids) is all about gift giving and getting. Novelty gifts are by definition unusual and humorous, and nothing can offer you an unusual piece of merchandise like your favourite fantasy or sci-fi franchise. Whether you're a secret fan that would prefer a subtle gift, or a die-hard Whovian, Stark or Star Wars fan that would proudly preach their love, there's a piece of your fandom waiting in a shop to be bought just for you. So, what are some of the best and worst outcomes of novelty gifts?