7 Reasons Universal Resort Orlando's Portofinio Bay Is The Perfect Adult Getaway

A little bit of Italy in the heart of the theme park capital of the world.

By Jen Gallie /


Most stays at a theme park hotel promise loud pool areas, fast food quality dining rooms and garishly bright coloured walls. Usually you are stuck in an over-the-top decorated room that is a bit of a romance killer and after a couple of nights, you start longing for the comforts of your own bed.


Thankfully, Loews Portofino Bay at Universal Orlando Resort is something different entirely. It's the perfect place for adults to stay at Universal and not feel they are in the middle of the hectic atmosphere of a kids resort.

That's not to say it isn't a family friendly locale, as it is. There's plenty of lively activities that you can enjoy with the younger members of your family such as watching animated movies by the pool and club related events.


With fine dining, relaxing pools and bars to sit and watch the world go by from a great location; there are plenty of things to do and see if you want to spend a relaxing time at Universal.

Here's 7 observations from our recent stay at Portofino Bay...
