8 Cool Jobs You Don't Need Education Or Experience To Get

Not every fun job requires thousands of hours or dollars to apply.

By Sara Border /

These days, experience is harder than ever to come by, since most jobs require at least a bachelor's degree. And for some, that means tens of thousands of dollars. For everyone, that means at least three years of dedicating your life to education and a part-time job you hate. What if you don't want to go through all that? Most would tell you that your only options are working in retail or pushing buttons on automatic coffee machines. Hell, even the circus requires years of experience in acting or gymnastics to join, which seriously diminishes the thought of €œrunning away to join the circus.€ Gone are the days when men wearing red balls for noses paid you to learn to unicycle. Thankfully, there€™s a little known middle ground in the Venn Diagram of Work Options. In it, there are lots of great, interesting jobs that don't require college degrees or tons of experience. They'll train you for the job as soon as you land it, and in some cases, there isn't even a large amount of competition to beat out. No more clamoring over jobs you€™ll be miserable in, and no more loan applications to meet application requirements. Here are eight of the best positions you can apply for right now...