8 Ways We're Getting Ready To Go To Mars

How prepared are we to face the red planet?

By Stevie Shephard /


To some, it sounds like science fiction, to others it's a pipe dream, but for a few, the idea that humans will one day walk on Mars is a near certainty.


Whether or not you believe that man is ultimately destined for life on the red planet, there's no denying that NASA and a number of other organisations appear to be getting their ducks in a row for a manned Mars mission.

It takes a lot just to shift something off-world, particularly if that something is a delicate, squishy human that demands luxuries such as "oxygen" and "adequate atmospheric pressure" before they'll deign to set foot into the black void. Now, sending that same delicate, squishy blob to an entirely different planet more than 225 million kilometres away and plopping them onto the surface without turning them into jam is even harder.


So, if we ever want to get off this space rock we call home, some careful planning and preparation will be in order.

Whether we want to live there permanently or just visit, the first thing we'll have to figure out is how to get there (not to mention how to get back), and that's just the beginning...
