8 Worst Moments In Life To Receive A Phone Call

By Steven Caine /

Sometimes, modern life can be such a nuisance. We live in a world of quick-fire communication available to us at our fingertips, social media has completely revolutionised the way we interact with people on a daily basis. The planet is much smaller than it was twenty, or even ten years ago €“ speaking metaphorically, it's not shrinking, please don't worry. It's now an intense and concentrated hub of activity, with texting, tweeting, and status updates, we're constantly broadcasting our lives to anyone who can tolerate listening. I love technology, any new gadget or gizmo makes me feel like a giddy child inside €“ if it's got bright flashing lights, even better. It's all part of evolving and creating things that will advance our lives and make them easier and more efficient. It's a good and worthy cause. The progress it's created in our society is astonishing, and it's difficult now to imagine our lives without a computer or a mobile phone. I mean, how would we play Angry Birds? Where would we find hook-ups within a 10 mile radius? Who would 'like' the picture of me sat in my bedroom looking ominous, with a hint of sorrow? But there's one thing I really hate about it, and that's how intrusive it can be. You can try and ignore it, take no part in it, but with the way our lives rely on it that's near impossible €“ we are intrinsically linked with it. If you don't have an online presence to some extent, you're cut off from the world, and there's high chance you're missing out on activities and get-togethers that your friends are organising. Probably involving Pizza Hut. One of the best inventions of recent times has to be the mobile phone. Alexander Graham Bell would be proud with the continued development of his communicative innovation. So. You know that feeling when you've left the house? Perhaps you're now on the bus and think you'll update your status to let people know that you're now on the bus, and you're tired, and you can't be bothered with the day ahead. But you can't find it! Then you remember €“ you've left it in the house, on charge. You panic, you feel sick, because it dawns on you that you must now go an entire day without your phone. That's how reliant we've become on these devices. We love our phones, but as this list will demonstrate, sometimes they can be invasive and ring at the most unfortunate moments. Here follows a compilation of 8 of the worst.