9 New Technologies That Are A Sci-Fi Fan's Wet Dream

Not saying lightsabers... but maybe lightsabers.

By Stevie Shephard /

Paramount Pictures

It's unclear at this point whether sci-fi is getting its ideas from real science, or if real science is taking its inspiration from sci-fi. In reality, it's probably a bit of both. The science fiction writers had better get their thinking hats on, though, because a lot of their coolest ideas might not seem all that futuristic for much longer.


Futurists and science-fiction nerds throughout the ages have waited patiently (ish) for some of their favourite gadgets to become a reality. For a lot of these technologies, the wait has paid off, and we now live in a world of mobile phones, mind controlled prosthetics, 3D printers and even, finally, hoverboards.

Futurists of the past predicted this generation of technology, and it looks as though it's about to happen again, with plenty of exciting things in the works to bring your wildest sci-fi dreams to life.


Scientists are finally beginning to make breakthroughs that could give us cryonics, Matrix style learning, Minority Report style computer interfaces and even (dare we say it?) lightsabers.

So, whether you're interested in high tech genetic mods, brain enhancement, next generation computers or just some sweet space battles, it looks like the scientists might just have the answers.
