9 Psychological Effects You Can Turn To Your Advantage

Get favours, win arguments and make friends.

By Stevie Shephard /

At the risk of sounding like a spoilt brat, it's nice when you get your own way. Other humans, however, are a contrary bunch and are often pretty uncooperative when it comes to achieving this simple goal. However, there are a couple of little tricks that you can keep tucked up those conniving sleeves of yours, that could allow you to manipulate a situation. There's plenty of psychological research out there that suggests that even the most difficult people in your life can sometimes be ... persuaded ... to help you out a bit, often without them even realising. True, these probably won't get you into high office or married to a supermodel, but it might just mean that you win your next argument at the pub. So, get ready to become happier, more popular and more successful by manipulating these psychological quirks to your advantage, you beautiful, machiavellian b*stard, you.