Bret Easton Ellis: Ranking His Books From Worst To Best

By Clare Simpson /

Wmmw Bret Easton Ellis has acquired a formidable reputation in the literary world by his signature style - the detailing of horrific and extreme acts in an unemotional way. Several characters in his books overlap into other books and indeed, Ellis wrote his most recent book - Imperial Bedrooms as a follow up to the book that first brought him to the attention of the public - Less Than Zero (although I bet most people will have watched the movie adaptation of that book than have read the book itself) Bret Easton Ellis continues to grow as a writer - tackling metafiction and self reflexivity in the highly amusing and simultaneously disturbing Lunar Park. His books are packed to the gills with depraved people and depraved acts. His narrators are usually unlikeable people but with a compelling story to tell. I have read Ellis' books as I enjoy his style of writing and penchant for debauchery. I have listed his books from bad to good below for your perusal. If you vehemently disagree with me, please comment below.