Halloween Horror Nights 2018: Houses Hype List Ranked!

How hyped are you for HHN28?

By Jen Gallie /

Universal Orlando

This year's Halloween Horror Nights will be be bigger and scarier than ever before. With a record number of nights and a record number of houses, Universal have once again claimed the Halloween season as their own.


This year there are are whopping 10 mazes to scream your heart out in. After missing out on last year's event thanks to Hurricane Irma, I am looking forward to enjoying (a.k.a. be terrified at) HHN in just a few short days now.

Since Twitter has been going crazy over the past few weeks with fans revealing what they're looking forward to this year, I thought I'd take a look at each maze and come up with my own hype list.


So here are my thoughts (and at times confessions) on which houses I can't wait to experience at HHN28...

10. Seeds Of Extinction

Universal Orlando

House Overview: After a destructive meteor has hit Earth, humans have become extinct. Plant life has taken over the eerily graveyard that Earth has become, "choking out" any life that remains. These meat eating plants are out to get you with their "strangling vines, razor-sharp thorns, and poisonous pollens".


Although this maze particularly intrigues me and as much as I love Audrey II from the 80's Little Shop of Horrors, something tells me this house won't feature the same laugh out loud moments as the musical.

Seeds of Extinction is going for something much darker...


I'm interested to see just how Universal will pull off a scary maze that is focused on plants. They aren't exactly a creepy stranger hunting you with a chainsaw, so I'm curious as to how it will look.


Seeds of Extinction will feature some nods to previous HHN houses and I genuinely think this will be a beautiful maze but it's bottom of the list because there's so much cooler things around the corner...