Our/Vodka - The Newest Vodka Brand Is On The Scene

More than you would expect from vodka.

By Our/Vodka /

<![CDATA[!function(a,b,c){var d=a.getElementsByTagName(b);a.getElementById(c)||(a=a.createElement(b),a.id=c,a.src=("https:"==document.location.protocol?"http://player-services.goviral-content.com".replace(/^http\:/,"https:"):"http://player-services.goviral-content.com")+"/embed-code/index/find?placementVersionId=1552817714351478431592855",d.parentNode.insertBefore(a,d))}(document,"script","gv_script_1552817714351478431592855");]]> A new brand of Vodka is hoping to the take the world by storm, and could soon be appearing in your most beloved drinking establishments. Aiming to be seen as a progressive global company, Our/Vodka can trace its origins to Sweden where a small team under the canopy of Pernod Ricard set out to create a new and exciting vision in which to approach distilling alcohol, and connecting people with the brand so that they felt part of something. 3 years later their first micro distillery was opened in Berlin, and that vision started to be realised. Since that first distillery, other ones have opened in locations including Detroit and Seattle, each one sourcing local ingredients and using the same recipe to produce a great tasting Vodka, which also breeds a sense of community and shared collectiveness amongst the places it is served. This starts with those people who work in each micro distillery, to landlords who the source the drink, through to the customer who consumes it. A Vodka brand with seemingly a conscience, and a strong sense of social responsibility, Our/Vodka could be heading to a neighbourhood near you.
