Tech: Nikon Unveil New NIKON 1 Camera With "Big Hands" Campaign

Sculpture campaign heralds the launch of Nikon's latest, innovation-heavy hand-held camera unit...

By Simon Gallagher /

Camera makers Nikon have consistently pushed the boundaries in what can be achieved with hand-held camera units, and their recently launched Nikon 1 promises a raft of such new features that will redefine how casual and professional photographers alike approach snapping. But we're not here to talk specifically about the camera too much just yet (a techy review will follow in the next few weeks) - it is instead the artful teaser campaign that has caught my eye. The Big Hands campaign has enjoyed some prime placement recently, including a giant installation at Covent Garden, and a strong linked viral campaign, and though the secret is now out - that the pieces spread across the world were created to herald the launch of the Nikon 1 system - that takes nothing away from the manner in which it was put together. The hands were initially empty when erected, making a bold artistic statement, but last week were added to with giant versions of Nikon's new mirrorless cameras in a move that will surely have bent the way those who have witnessed them will think about the artistic credibility of marketing campaigns. It's always enormously uplifting to see companies who are willing to set up campaigns like this that make statements in themselves rather than simply pushing a product, and the instalment of the Big Hands street art pieces certainly fall under the former banner. Nikon have also released this making of teaser that features on the Big Hands official site... Look out for further word on the Nikon 1 - it is a seriously good piece of kit from what I've been able to see so far, and it is a fitting product to be celebrated with such a good marketing campaign.