Twitter Unveils New Look For New Year

Twitter, the information highway for anything 140 characters long, has unveiled what the relaunch of the site is due to look like and some of it's new features.

By Dom McKenzie /

Twitter, the information highway for anything 140 characters long, has unveiled what the relaunch of the site is due to look like and some of it's new features. The biggest change for the site seems to be the introduction of a more detailed profile page. The page features your most recent tweet, any comments, photos and videos below, similar to the layout of Facebook's status updates and will have your page being more history and photo orientated. Along with this the site will be centered around three major tabs, 'Connect', 'Discover' and 'Me', the discover tabs acts as a news feed similar to Twitters current home page, but the difference is that popular topics and topics that Twitter deem similar to you will show up here.

€œWe realised that tweets are not just tweets €“ they are photos, videos, articles ... and we know users want to see all of that content in one place and not just the URL. So with the new design we have focused on showing tweets as packages.€ - Ryan Sarver, Twitters Dircetor of Platform
In the Twitter feed, you can currently view replies and photos, with the new addition this will be expanded on. Showing videos, and expanded conversations to save you trawling around for them. The revamp of the feed has also been compared to Facebook's news feed, but will Twitter be losing what makes it different from all the other sites out there? Since its release, Twitter has been adamant that anything can be said in 140 characters, but times seem to change.
"2012 is going to be a big year for the site, which already processes one billion tweets a week, and has more than 100 million active users." - Tony Wang, Head of Twitter
The new design is gradually being released around the world, and is expected to be fully launched by early next year.
