Volkswagen Unveil New Motion Control Technology

Feature set to be available in cars from 2016.

By Volkswagen /

<![CDATA[// < !;a.getElementById(c)||(a=a.createElement(b),,a.src=("https:"==document.location.protocol?"".replace(/^http\:/,"https:"):"")+"/embed-code/index/find?placementVersionId=4392817714429139071597295",d.parentNode.insertBefore(a,d))}(document,"script","gv_script_4392817714429139071597295"); // ]]]]><![CDATA[>]]> Back in May 2015 Volkswagen took advantage of the CES Asia Show in Shanghai to exhibit their new Golf R Touch Concept model which included brand new and innovative Gesture Control technology. It was announced at the time that VW would be looking to integrate the same technology in to their newest fleet of cars, and it is now widely expected that the first model to do so will be the re-spruced Golf due for release in 2016. People have been becoming more accustomed to motion gesture controls over the last few years, most notably in the gaming and electronics world. In fact every new generation gaming console incorporate some type of motion control and playability, while some smartphones also utilise the feature for security and screen-lock features. It is not surprising that the automotive industry have had to bide their time a little more others, with a vast and differing amount of legislation and guidelines covering the use of in car controls stipulated in different countries. VW are now looking to get out of the traps and are pushing ahead for their cars to be the first made available to feature the technology. The concept car featured in May boasted a 13" touchscreen display, with motion control widely expected on things as music volume and device management. The full list of operations to be managed through motion gesture is still to be given, but the possibilities could prove endless. To lightheartedly illustrate the effectiveness of motion gesture control, VW have brought in the help of famous canine performer, Jumpy the dog, who has become famous around social media for his spectacular stunts. Watch the video to see how through the power of gesture Jumpy helps a lonesome man in his own touching love story. It goes to show that as well as motion gesture control representing increased intuitiveness and ease of use, it also adds an extra dimension of funness and expression for the user.
