Watch – ‘Reality Road’ Episodes 4-6


By Volvo Trucks /

The latest episodes of Reality Road see Mapei and the rest of the gang continue on their journey through Europe, and take further advantage of not only the locations they visit, but also of the impromptu hold ups they come up against. If you haven't already done so you can watch the first three episodes here.Episode 4 - The Mechanics Of Music Following the auto-mechanical extravagance of episode 3, the truck is in need of a service to iron out some of the dents and to conduct the simple task of realigning the wheel axel. While hanging out for the work to be done in Frankfurt, Mapei and Liza are joined by fellow musician Eddie Cook who is a personal friend of Mapei. What follows starts with a music writing jam that progresses in to an unplanned performance live from the garage, complete with improvised instruments.

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