15 Problems Only A Golfer Would Understand

No, it's not the clubs' fault. You're just sh*t.

By Thomas Andrews /

As with any sport, or obsession, golf has its problems and little annoyances that can make the game less enjoyable to play or watch. Even more annoying for golfers is that many of these problems just go over the heads of those who do not play the game. Trying to explain golf to a non-golfer is quite a challenge, so trying to explain how great a 6-footer for par that just drops in or a 110 yard wedge to within 5 feet is can be all the more tricky. This list is a collection of 15 problems in golf that only a golfer would understand. They are problems that arise when enjoying the game as a player or just as a fan. While each of these problems is annoying at the time, part of the game is being allowed to complain about these things and have heated "discussions" in the pub with golfers and non-golfers alike. With the 2014 golf season in full swing and Tiger Woods making his return in the days to come, a discussion of some of the little quirks in the game for those who may or may not play the game is certainly in order. While most golfers have been guilty of many of the things on this list at some point in their playing "career," the chances are that they still find them very annoying.

15. Bad Tempered Playing Partners

Something about the game of golf brings out the absolute worst in people - particularly those who already have fairly bad tempers. Just like children at 'Toys R Us' who are told they cannot have a certain toy, most golfers go through a stage of petulance that is unexplainable and extremely uncomfortable for everyone who has to play in the same group. Throwing clubs is not tough, swearing loudly and putting everyone else off doesn't take away the fact that the shot was bad; these things just happen, it's all part of the game. Even the most timid individuals begin to feel the blood boil after skulling a 6-Iron into the water when they know they can hit it perfectly. The key is to remember that it's just a game, and there is always the next shot to make up for the error.