Arsenal Transfer News: Luis Suarez Not For Sale At Any Price

By Joseph Dempsey /

BBC. The Gunners have made two failed bids for the 26-year-old, the latest of which was £1 over £40 million, and Suarez has recently been ordered to train alone after attempting to force through the move to the Emirates. "We are not going to sell Luis," Henry told various newspapers.

"It's very important , but especially for Liverpool because we're not in Europe this year."
The American said that selling to a rival would be "ludicrous" and claimed he was "unequivocal" that the Uruguayan would not be joining Arsenal. The Gunners have made Suarez their number one transfer target this summer after missing out on Real Madrid's Gonzalo Higuain, who instead opted for a move to Serie A side Napoli. And the Londoners look set for further disappointment in the transfer window as Henry continued:
"He won't be sold even if a foreign club comes in because we do not have time to sign a suitable replacement. "It's not about finances. So late in the window... we can't replace him. So for football reasons we can't sell, and especially to Arsenal."
Henry also said that Arsenal's chance to sign Suarez has been and gone and that if they were serious about signing the South American, they should have made a bid earlier in the window, giving Brendan Rodgers time to re-invest the fee. "We made that clear early-on," added Henry.
"I think the issue has been resolved now. We have said 'no'. Luis will be a Liverpool player on 3 September ."
While Liverpool's stance on the matter is abundantly clear - that the striker is not for sale this summer - Suarez has other ideas and could hand in a transfer request to force through the issue. He has also threatened to take the Reds to arbitration and get the Premier League involved in the dispute.
