Arsenal's Arsene Wenger Says Stoke Fans Should Be Ashamed

Gunners boss furious at The Potters reaction to Aaron Ramsey yesterday after a hail of abuse.

By Matt Holmes /

€œI don€™t think you can be especially proud of booing Aaron Ramsey. €œHe hasn€™t done anything wrong.€
Meanwhile the veteran Gunners boss says he has grown used to Stoke's abuse, which comes after comments a few years ago that Stoke's footballing approach was over-physical. He added:
€œMy response is always to ignore what they say. €œI have had to deal with this for years, but one day football will have to tackle this problem.€
Stoke boss Tony Pulis was even shocked by the reaction Wenger received, admitting that it was getting out of hand;
€œWe all get it at away grounds, but whether we should have to accept it is another matter. €œMaybe we need to speak to the police.€
Arsenal went clear in third position in the league yesterday when they picked up a draw at Stoke and Newcastle lost to Wigan.