Carlos Tevez - Why Is It Always Me?

In the excitement and the euphoria of Manchester City’s 6-1 victory against their bitter rivals, there was one man on the blue half of Manchester who watched on and won’t have felt the same joy and elation as his colleagues. His name, Carlos Tevez!

By Ian Croll /

Manchester City€™s 6-1 victory against their bitter rivals, there was one man on the blue half of Manchester who watched on and won€™t have felt the same joy and elation as his colleagues. His name, Carlos Tevez! Tevez was once the toast of Old Trafford, he helped his united team lift a League and Champions League double in 2008 only to turn his back on the Red Devils and join Manchester City€™s Blue Moon revolution. There was no going back for Tevez after this; the United fans developed a deep hatred for the Argentinean international as he signed for City which only aroused the rivalry between both fans of Manchester. The City faithful took to Tevez immediately, they adored him as a hero and the more goals he scored the louder they sang his name. For all the millions city spent over the past 3 years however, they struggled to close the gap on the so called big four. Big names such as Adebayor, Robinho, Santa Cruz all signed for big money tried but failed to bridge the gap. Tevez was a shining light in a City squad that struggled to make the transition from world class individual€™s to a world class team. Mancini€™s side were unable to breakdown the opposition unless Tevez was included. They began to rely on him heavily and unless Tevez could come up with that moment of magic they struggled. Tevez was the match winner, he was the captain and he was the one everyone looked to when things wasn€™t going to plan and the City fan€™s loved him for it. However, in reality a harsh reality at that, Tevez was not happy. He told the press he disliked living in Manchester and that he was home sick and missed his family. He handed in a transfer request on two separate occasions. City moved to swell any concerns by offering him a new contract with much improved terms, they handed him the captain's armband hoping the added responsibility of leading a top premiership club would help him forget any lingering homesickness. It worked, but not for long, City€™s attempts to aid their star player only papered over the cracks and ultimately contributed to Tevez demise. It should have been simple for Tevez, once the transfer request was handed in; all he had to do was wait for a top European club to make an approach or even a top South American club with millions to blow. Soon enough however, it became apparent no club was serious about signing Tevez, especially with his astronomical wage demands a key factor. It took me a while to warm to Tevez as a footballer; I never really thought he had the skill and talent to be a world class player. But his time with United and City changed my opinion. He is a fantastic player with the fighting spirit of a warrior, but is he really worth the valuation city have marked him down for and the wage€™s he demands. I think you will find the answer in how well city have started the season. Once a team who relied on the fiery Argentinean to win them a match, now a team who goes to Old Trafford and does what no other club in premiership history has ever done and win 6-1. Mancini has no longer a team of world class individuals; he has a world class team. Whether Mancini€™s side can go on and lift the Premiership title remains to be seen, right Ferguson and his side off at your peril, but as for Carlo€™s Tevez he was nowhere to be seen, his name not even mentioned. There was no need, city didn€™t need him to be the match winner, they have a team of match winners. Tevez will have plenty of time to sulk on city€™s bench if they continue to bulldozer their way to the Premier League title. Maybe Balotelli should give Tevez his comical shirt which read €œWhy always me€.
