England Press Conference Live: Roy Hodgson Appointed As Manager

64-year-old Hodgson has signed a four-year contract as England's new head coach.

By Matt Holmes /

England have confirmed the appointment of West Brom manager Roy Hodgson as England national coach. 64-year-old Hodgson has signed a four-year contract that if he sees out will see him manage this summer's Euro 2012 tournament, the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Euro's. Although his contract at the Baggies doesn't actually run out until June 30th, the club have agreed to allow Hodgson an early release at the end of the season (the weekend after next) so he can prepare for the tournament. A press conference is being held right now at Wembley (starting 4pm) to unveil the FA's choice. Our updates below as news emerges; The FA confirmed that Hodgson was the only choice to become England head coach it what was an "unanimous decision" from the board. They shortlisted a number of candidates before deliberating on one choice and approaching him and his club West Brom for the first time at the weekend. The FA also revealed he was the only manager and West Brom was the only club they approached about the position. Roy Hodgson also revealed that the Euro 2012 squad announcement has been pushed back until the end of the season to allow Hodgson the time to consider the team. One name he did reveal he would be taking to the Euro's was Manchester United's Wayne Rooney who is suspended for the opening two group games of the tournament. Roy Hodgson on Harry;
"I've got great respect for Harry (Redknapp). He sent me a voicemail message. He's been very gracious. I hope we stay friends. We have unwittingly become rivals."
Roy Hodgson;

"It's going to be difficult, of course, but I've hopefully got a lot of time to think and a make decision . All players are pretty well known to me despite not having worked with many of them. It's important after this press conference to get down to work - we will put back announcing the squad until after the last game of the season so that I've done as much research and spoken to as many people as possible."


Roy Hodgson:

"I think England always have to go into tournaments to win them because we are a major football nation. The players would be disappointed if we didn't expect less of them than trying to win the tournament. It's always a big job to win people over and it's important first of all to have the chance."
Trevor Brooking, FA Director of Football Development:
"It's going to be a tough job, whoever the manager is. In 2006, we had some injuries, 2008 we didn't qualify, 2010 was a poor tournament. The lack of success we've had is something that will affect the expectancy level. I do believe we have a really good coach and a good choice who can improve this current squad. The priority has to be the results of the senior team. I hope everyone will give him the chance to do so."
FA Chairman David Bernstein:
"We decided a month ago that Roy Hodgson was the preferred candidate. This was not a two-man race. There were other candidates."
David Bernstein:
"Over a period of time, Roy emerged as stand-out candidate. We canvassed opinions across a large part of the game. We did not approach West Brom until last week. We met at Wembley on Monday and quickly decided Roy was the right man to guide us through the European championships. The board was unanimous in choosing Roy. It's the first time the FA has appointed an English manager with international experience."
David Bernstein:
"Roy has been given a four-year contract which will take us through the Euro 2012 Championship, World Cup in 2014 and European Championship in 2016. I would like to give my thanks to Stuart Pearce, taking on so much responsibility in the interim. There is much to look forward to. It's a hugely exciting time for us all."