Sunderland Fan Releases Stadium Of Light Song, What's That Second Line?

Young singer Bad Kenzie releases a song dedicated to his club and his city...

By Simon Gallagher /

In a surprisingly well-produced Youtube video, a young Sunderland fan has released a song dedicated to his love of Sunderland AFC, as well as the club's stadium and the city. It's an interesting song, especially as the singer - Bad Kenzie - isn't short of talent. The trouble is, his singing style and his interesting choice of rhyming words has led to something probably unintentionally hilarious. Listen to the first and second lines of the song... Our city is WHAT?! Surely he must have known that attempting to rhyme the words Light and Shine was going to be an issue? Especially given the affectionate name Newcastle fans tend to give the Wearside arena. Bad Kenzie isn't the first Sunderland fan to take to Youtube to celebrate his love of the club: back at the start of the summer, an odd fellow by the name of TheMadMistake released a musical tribute to the Jack Colback saga that made him somewhat infamous among Newcastle fans...All garbled words aside, Kenzie's video is still streets ahead of TheMadMistake's and the video deserves a lot of attention.