Star Wars: 9 Secrets Of The Ghost Ship You Need To Know

How many credits would Hera Syndulla's precious Ghost ship set you back?

By Gareth Morgan /

From the legendary Millennium Falcon to the terrifying Imperial Star Destroyers, Star Wars has boasted a staggering amount of awesome spacecraft over the decades.


But perhaps one of the most reliable and beloved modes of transport ever to jump to hyperspeed in this universe didn't make its debut within the epic Skywalker Saga.

Instead, Hera Syndulla's resilient ship first popped up as part of a little animated series known as Star Wars Rebels, and the Ghost has repeatedly found itself in the middle of some of the most important events in the galaxy's history ever since.

Whether you're one of the many who fell in love with the Spectres' light freighter during those earlier animated Rebel missions or simply became a fan of the cool-looking Phantom-holder after its latest appearance in the Ahsoka Disney+ series, though, there's likely a ton of fascinating secrets you still didn't know about our heroes' ship.

For example, did you realise just how fast this speedy vessel was? Or the real reason behind its iconic name?

Well, buckle up, folks, because you're about to become an expert on the Ghost of the galaxy far, far away...

9. How Fast The Ghost Is

Anyone who has had the pleasure of witnessing this Ghost in action on the big and small screen already will likely know that Hera Syndulla's Star Wars transport can seriously move when enemy TIE fighters are incoming.


But were you aware of exactly how rapid this ship could be when pushed to its absolute limit?

Well, according to Pablo Hidalgo's Star Wars Rebels: Head to Head young readers book, the light freighter has been clocked at a maximum speed of 1,025 kph.

For comparison, one of the fastest ships in the galaxy, the Millennium Falcon, was said to have been pushed to a maximum of 1,200 kph when in possession of Lando Calrissian (via Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide) before eventually settling into having a top speed of 1,050 kph later down the road (as revealed in the Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know book).

And something as light as the N-1 Starfighter only moved 50 kph quicker than the Ghost at its fastest, too (via Star Wars: Ships of the Galaxy).

Put simply, this Rebel ship could get a hell of a shift on when it needed to.
