10 Behind The Scenes Dramas That Ruined Great TV Shows

Why can't they all just get along? - Community, Gossip Girl, X-Files, Glee & More.

By Lily Elborn /

Most famous TV shows go on for years. They film all day, all week, all the time and if you don't like something (or someone) during that time you have to face it head-on... over and over again. The cast and crew of a show become like family, it's true, but even families can't spend that much time together without fighting. Humans may need connections to thrive, but there's also that whole "too much of a good thing" saying. And so naturally, drama seems to incubate on the set of long-running TV series.


Since the beginning of time, or well - the beginning of television sets, there has been drama behind the scenes of our favourite shows. Sometimes, casts and crews are lucky and they manage to love each other unconditionally from beginning till the end. Others... not so much.

Even though actors are known for being notoriously difficult divas, it's not always the stars causing drama. It could be anyone from the make-up artists to the executive producers causing trouble. And unfortunately for the team behind the scenes... it always shows. If art is supposed to be a reflection of your own mental state, then a decline in a tv series' quality is definitely indicative of a hostile work environment.

And like a child of divorce, we fans are left screaming: WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!?

10. Charmed - Offscreen Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry can get pretty serious, especially with sisters. While brotherly spats usually lead to punching walls broken furniture post-fight, sisterly turmoil is much sneakier and calculated. Apparently, the actresses on Charmed did a bit of method acting, because behind the scenes the three actresses were experiencing their own sisterly spats.


When charmed was cast, the show was smart enough to get two big names to play the sister witches. Shannen Doherty had gained traction from her starring role in Beverly Hills, 90210 and Alyssa Milano was a child star famous for her role in Who's The Boss? Although the casting director was smart enough to bring in these big stars, they didn't have the foresight to imagine what would happen when these girls had to fight for the limelight.

Doherty had already gotten a name for herself as difficult to work with, after being fired from 90210, and apparently, she hadn't learnt her lesson. (And neither had the showrunner of both 90210 and Charmed, because he hired the diva twice!) She and Milano butted heads more and more as the show gained popularity and at the end of season 3 Doherty's character Prue was killed off and the actress was sent packing.

After that the show lost its way, although the casting of the fantastic Rose McGowan brought life into the series, the relationship dynamic between the sister's lost its lightning-in-a-bottle quality. The show focused more on the girl's romantic relationships as well as more and more convoluted plotlines taking centre stage instead. I'm guessing the showrunner wished HE had the power of premonition.
