10 Best Genre TV Show Spin-Offs

Sometimes going back to the genre well pays off.

By Jay Anderson /

Spin-offs are often seen as a desperate money grab, an attempt to cash in on the popularity of an existing property. While there is no doubt some truth to this criticism, there's also an argument to be made that the spin-off show has been unfairly maligned over the years.


Case in point: genre shows. Believe it or not (or agree with it or not), there have been more than a couple of genre show spin-offs that have rivalled, and in some cases surpassed, their progenitors.

Spin-offs were once relatively rare, but it seems like everyone's doing them these days. Better Call Saul has premiered to rave reviews; The Flash looks good so far; and spin-offs to The Walking Dead, Supernatural, and even Dexter may be on the cards. After all, they're a sure bet, right?


That's not always the case, of course. For every great spin-off, there's Joanie Loves Chachi, or, in the realm of genre shows, a Caprica.

Still, there's more than enough great spin-off shows to prove that, on their own, spin-offs can be successful and compelling, able to establish themselves as shows with unique identities apart from the originals that spawned them. Some have gone on to be successful, while others, in some cases, have been unfairly ignored.
