10 Best Moments In Netflix's Arcane

Did anyone expect a League of Legends series to be this good? Didn't think so!

By Michael John-Day /

Sometimes, Netflix can really get under the skin of viewers. The quality of their shows is about as consistent as a working McDonald's Ice Cream Machine, as not long after releasing the woefully panned Cowboy Bebop (one of their worst adaptations), they came out guns blazing with the stunning, exciting and shockingly good Arcane. There's no doubt they had a very hot/cold 2021.


Viewers have had plenty of time now to watch Arcane once or twice - or hell, more like ten times - and it's safe to say that this animated tie-in has shaken the foundations of what is possible with a video game adaptation. It has everything going for it, and critics/audiences alike are enamoured.

Even those who've never stepped foot into a League of Legends lobby have found themselves addicted to this show, mainly because of the excellent writing, stunning visuals and memorable moments. It's a series littered with big reveals, great sequences and emotional storytelling, which is why condensing the best moments down to only ten is a challenge in itself.

Still, there are some that really stood out. Also, spoiler alert, of course.

10. Viktor's Run

Let's start this list with a moment showing the human side of this story. Sure, the action scenes and Hextech of Arcane are jaw-dropping, but this minor sequence was a massive change for the well-developed Viktor and took his arc(ane) in an exciting - yet frightening - new direction.


This sequence was short and sweet, showing as the less physically abled Viktor used his newly infused Hextech to drop his walking stick and run for the first time. You've spent the whole show knowing how restricted his life had been, so this tiny moment, while standard for many, was a massive breakthrough for him.

Seeing Viktor let out a scream as he finally experienced the wind blowing through his hair was magical. Plus, it's made even better by the animation that's so lifelike you'll forget you're not actually watching Harry Lloyd (Viktor's voice actor) pegging it down the street.

Of course, it was proceeded by the tragedy of his assistant Sky's death, making this sequence all the more bittersweet.
