10 Best Moments In She-Hulk: Attorney At Law Season 1

The Devil is in the detail.

By Jon Garcia /

The live-action series debut of The Green Giantess received mixed reactions from both critics and fans. However, despite that, there is always a moment worthy of praise in at least every episode. When She-Hulk: Attorney at Law works, it really works. While it prides itself on being just a small legal comedy, let's be honest here - the parts when the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe looms are when we cheer and stand up.


More often than not, the best moments involve a guest appearance of another superhero or jokey world-building for the Marvel brand. What is overlooked are the standout moments of character building from Jennifer Walters. The parts when she is humiliated and we get to see her reactions and vulnerabilities.

While it is not always successful, there is an admiration to be had in seeing She-Hulk: Attorney at Law try to balance the big Marvel moments and the small character-defining bits of our protagonist. In this list of the ten best moments in She-Hulk Season 1, both types of moments are compiled and will be given their proper attention.

10. She-Hulk Fourth-Wall Breaks Into Marvel Studios

Fans have been waiting to see an ambitious fourth-wall break like this from the start, making this moment all the more standout. Watching the first episodes of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, who knew that the finale would feature She-Hulk breaking into Marvel Studios to complain to the writers about the bad writing of her own show and the tired tropes of the larger Marvel Universe?


The joke that Kevin Feige is an A.I. designed to churn out Marvel stories called K.E.V.IN. could have been better, but the alternative was making the real Kevin Feige act for this pivotal scene when he is not an actor. What is important is the barrage of discussion about the tropes of the MCU. At first, you’d think it would stop after K.E.V.IN. already listened to Jen about changing the finale of the show, but it just goes on. To K.E.V.IN.’s annoyance, Jen asked why most of the heroes, like Iron Man or Thor, have daddy issues, then asked when she should expect the MCU debut of the X-Men. It was hard to believe how little was taboo, even hinting at the controversy that Marvel overworks its visual effects team.

This is the fourth-wall break the series could have done more of. She-Hulk, after all, is known for smashing fourth walls.
