10 Best Netflix Original Horror Series You Need To Watch

Some scream-worthy streams brought to you by Netflix.

By Robert Hill /

Streaming giant Netflix has produced dozens upon dozens of incredible original series. What tends to get overlooked however in its enormous output are its horror shows.


Keeping up both an engaging narrative and consistent scares is hard enough in the medium of film. With a series, it's a downright daunting task. Luckily, the format of streaming series offers countless ways to creatively carve out some terrifying television.

What's so great about Netflix is the sheer amount of offerings from around the world that it has when it comes to horror. Different countries and cultures find different things scary, and what online streaming has allowed us is better access to global terrors we would have never thought about before.

It would be easy to fill up this list will well-known critical darlings, and while there are definitely several on here, there are just as many underappreciated ones as well. Horror is one of the most diverse genres, and it's only fair that the little guys get their chance in the spotlight.

Without further delay, it's time to go down a rabbit-hole of fear with ten original Netflix horror series you need to watch.

10. Goedam

We'll start this off with a short, but sweet, little collection of spine-tingling horror tales from South Korea.


Goedam is an eight episode horror series where each individual episode focuses on a different Asian urban legend or myth. Some topics include things like: the elevator game, infinite spaces, and ghosts in the machine.

Despite their bite-sized length, many of the episodes manage to produce some straight up nightmare fuel that'll make you want to keep the lights on at bedtime. On top of that, the practical effects are fantastic, and even when the series dips into using CGI the impact of the visuals is rarely diminished.

The show also works as a fantastic entry point into the Asian horror genre. Much of what you'll see in the episodes, both visually and narratively, are things that pop up a lot throughout Asian horror cinema.

You can knock out Goedam in about an hour or so. Give it a go, the only thing you'll regret will be the nightmares.
