10 Dirty Jokes You Totally Missed In Friends
Do you remember the one with the tape measure?

Friends is the American equivalent of Britain's Only Fools and Horses. The show is always on when there is nothing else to watch, it's quotable, has little to no bad episodes and has remained timeless.
From 1994 to 2004, and to his day, we've followed Rachel Greene, Monica Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Joey Tribbiani, Chandler Bing and Ross Geller in their differing trials and tribulations of various adult subjects. These subjects included relationships, sex, pregnancies, proposals, marriages and divorces. With those topics at the forefront, it was inevitable that there was going to be a few dirty jokes along the way.
The ten-season long sitcom is littered with innuendos, saucy quips and one-liners, mostly from Chandler. However, there were a few remarks which may have been missed upon first viewing or simply misunderstood if you were a younger fan tuning it.
These throwaway lines deserve to be highlighted, as they were the comedic gems, or rather the cherries on the top, of the show's half trifle half "shepherd's" pie dessert. (I will get to those quotation marks later).
10. The One With The Shower Massager

Monica is left a giant antique doll house ("with wooden floors!") by her late aunt. After a conflicted play date with Phoebe, involving an unwanted ghost, a barking dinosaur and a giant dog, Phoebe creates her own doll house.
Phoebe's creation consists of liquorice furniture, a bubble machine and an aroma room. The latter would cause a small blaze in Monica's apartment. When Ross fails to extinguish it, he risks seeing his sister in the buff by opting to put the alight dollhouse out in the shower, only to figuratively burn his eyes in the process.
With the fire out, Monica and Ross stand awkwardly together in the kitchen with the remains of Phoebe's doll house. Monica, with what little remains of her dignity, assures her brother that she was just "checking the shower massager".
This joke may have gone over our heads, and perhaps the siblings wished the massager had stayed there too.
But hey, at least the pirate and the giraffe are OK.