10 Most Disturbing Deaths In Simpsons History

Death has been a busy guy in Springfield.

By Jay Anderson /

For a show that's all about the laughter, The Simpsons sure does get a little morbid sometimes. A number of characters have bit the dust on The Simpsons, some in comedic ways, some outside of the show's canon (think of the deaths in the Treehouse of Horror episodes, which won't be included here), and some with more dramatic endings. You wouldn't think there would be that many, really, but twenty-six seasons tends to cover a lot of ground, and the deaths really do add up. There are a few not considered disturbing, so don't be surprised if there are some omissions - Bleeding Gums Murphy's passing, though hard on Lisa, was simply the result of illness, and Dr. Marvin Monroe, well, he was neither popular nor 100% confirmed dead, so let's leave him out of the equation, shall we? Grandpa's girlfriend Bea was simply old, even if he contends that she died of a broken heart, and Snowball the cat, well, he was quickly replaced. And then there's Edna Krabappel; a touching subject, but one tied entirely to sad reality, and respectfully left out of the show in favour of a more subtle revelation. But those aside, which character deaths on the show were the most disturbing, if darkly humorous?