10 Doctor Who Characters Who Don't Deserve The Hate

Doctor Who teaches us to be kind, so let's show some appreciation to these unloved characters!

By Ellie Littlechild /

Some Doctor Who characters are immediate fan favourites. Some take a little bit of getting used to. And some should never be spoken of again.


But there are also those characters who receive a ton of hate from fans, but really don't deserve it.

Some are overshadowed by their predecessors, some are burdened by the actor behind them, and some are simply misunderstood. Whatever the reason, we feel compelled to jump to their defence!

Now, are all of these characters some of the greatest in Doctor Who history? Absolutely not, and that's not what we're arguing - it's just that they deserve better reputations than the ones they've got.

10. Craig Owens

Craig Owens is held down by the reputation of the actor behind him.


Played by James Corden, the character is as harmless as it gets. An innocent, ordinary human, living a simple life which gets thrown into chaos with the arrival of the Doctor.

Craig's journey from The Lodger to Closing Time and the confidence he develops as a result of his adventures is wonderful to see, and when these episodes aired over a decade ago, there wasn't the hate for Corden that there is today.

However, since then, he's become a big name in America, and the more popular something gets, the more hated it becomes.

This writer isn't the biggest Corden fan, but Craig is so much more than that. He's relatable and lovable. His interactions with the Eleventh Doctor are very funny. And his episodes provided a much-needed lighter tone in some very dark runs of episodes.

A brilliant, unforgettable character? No. But a good one? Yep! It would even be nice to see Craig return one day - think how funny a third Lodger episode would be with Ncuti Gatwa involved.
